After being away for about a month, I'm now back in Japan. During that time, my company moved much closer to my apartment so we are downtown, near restaurants, banks and shops - instead of factories and a prison. The new location is closer for me (30 min door-to-door) but further for others. One co-worker opted to find a new job rather than make the 50 minute commute. Another coworker laughs that his commute is 10 minutes longer now, up to 1 hour 55 minutes now!
Last month was also my first overseas business trip with this company. I went to Thailand and worked for 20 days. While there, I started playing tennis with my coworkers on the weekends. I really came to enjoy tennis and even managed to play once in America a few weeks later. Now I'm hoping to find a place where I can get court time in Tokyo about once a week, if that's possible without breaking the bank.
Anyway, that's the little update for now.
p.s. despite the shorter commute, the above post was still written using my cellphone.
p.p.s. details on "bigger" news to come later.