When shopping for souvenirs in Chicago to give to friends, we bought a few garments, like t-shirts, etc. The staff at the shop were polite enough, however they neglected to remove the security ink tag attached to one of the items. I didn't discover this until we had already returned to Japan, and thus it would be impossible to bring the item back to the shop to have them remove the tag.
Upon first considering what to do, we thought maybe, just maybe, one of the shops in Tokyo would be able to remove the tag for us without getting ink all over the item and ruining it. However, I figured that would also be a bit of a time-waster when, lo and behold, we have the internet at home; a source of information for just about any subject.And as luck would have it, a simple search for 'ink tag removal' came up with some good results. I quickly found out that these tags are removed using a powerful magnet to lift ball bearings housed in a plastic cap. If the tag is jarred without first lifting these ball bearings, it will crack the glass tubes filled with various colored inks below, connected by a metal post in the center.
Nonetheless, the web-search results also showed how to remove these ink tags easily enough with a few home tools. I followed the instructions, and - presto! It didn't take but 3 minutes.
Here are some pictures for all ye to take a gander at :)