Sunday, June 08, 2008
TED: not the airline
My favorite website these days is Ideas worth spreading. I can't say enough good things about it. The site features over 200 amazing speakers, thinkers and doers of our time giving talks on an amazing variety of subjects. The other day I watched a new speech by Al Gore to follow up his famous "Inconvenient Truth" talk. I also saw Steven Levitt (Economist), William McDonough (Architect), and Richard Dawkins (Scientist), and am looking forward to watching the talks by Chris Anderson ("Long Tail" market guru), J.J. Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield, etc) and others. The list of speakers they've had over the past 2+ decades is truly impressive, but even better is that these talks can be downloaded as a video podcast or posted and shared on blogs freely. The first one I saw that really got me hooked, though, was Jill Bolte Taylor. Check out her video at this link: