At work, our department has a coffee and tea machine that spits out instant green tea, oolong or coffee, hot or iced. The tea is actually pretty good, but the coffee really leaves a lot to be desired.
Nevertheless, since people in this department are always travelling to far-and-away places, some of which have excellent coffee, they bring back little souvenirs. At some point in the last year, people started bringing back coffee from places like Lao, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Columbia, Vietnam, etc. We don't have a drip coffee maker or anything though, so I bought a coffee cup that functions as a french press. You put the coffee in the cup, fill it with hot water, then a screen fits inside the cup which you push down after a couple minutes when the coffee has brewed (see HERE if you don't get it). It makes a great cup of coffee!
Currently the largest bag of coffee is from Ethiopia, so I've been drinking that mostly. My favorite, however, is a variety pack one person brought back from Laos. It is all organic, fair trade, so-to-speak, but that's mainly because it's pretty much coming straight from the source more or less. So there's really no reason for me to hit the chain coffee shops anymore. Sorry Starbucks!